
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Interview session

As we've got students from other country, let's use English alright.

Yesterday two of our research team members conduct interview with IT officer..
The main focus of the interview is to get insight on proposed model for Master thesis.

But the issue or conclusion that we want to highlight in this entry is: the factor of passive usage of e-learning activity other than upload resources/notes. So, what the main reason?
From the interview, it is said that the root is the one who instruct to use the e-learning. As for student, if not because of marks which affect their grade, they won't participate in it (the activities). At the same time, they can't participate if the instructor don't even initiates the activity.

So, what the reasons instructor don't initiates the e-learning activity?
Let's look some of citation below:

“The fact that as yet there has been little use is not a lack of potential, nor a
lack of responsiveness from students – but a lack of skills and resources on
behalf of institutions to generate the right kind of materials that build on the
potential of the technology, and to integrate them in an appropriate way into
a teaching programme." (SFEU, 2004)


Fresen, 2010 said that even the technology has emerge rapidly, that does not imply that all academic staffs are able catch up.

Even if the institution are active in promoting e-learning activities, they must not forget to sharpening the staff's skill in those technology. There must be a way to make the staff willing (happily) to learn the tools and remember how to use it. Then apply it in the class without burden.

There is also quote:
“Unless a state of institutional sustainability is achieved, it is likely that e-learning activity
will in the long term be limited to enthusiasts” (Nichols, 2008, p. 598) 
Author want to share: 
"I just remembered the first time my mum got a tablet. She expressed heavily that using the tablet is difficult. After passionately taught her to just click few buttons, now she can't let go the candy crush game." :)

Monday, May 26, 2014


Assalamua'laikum semua,
Sudah bertahun blog tidak dikemas kini. Tetapi ini tidak bermaksud group research tidak aktif.
Malah, ramai telah lulus viva dengan jayanya. Entri ini ingin mengucapkan tahniah terutama kepada mereka yang telah berjaya menghabiskan pengajian dan lulus viva. Tahniah! kepada (tidak mengikut turutan):

Tahniah juga diucapkan kepada Tuan Penyelia, Dr Shahizan kerana menyandang jawatan IT Manager di SPS tahun lalu? dan mendapat sebuah office yang nyaman dan pembantu yang ramai dan berdedikasi. :D

Tahniah juga diucapkan kepada Puan Lizawati dan Shaffika, kerana telah berbadan dua. Semoga sihat selalu!

Dan tidak terlambat untuk mengucapkan selamat datang dan tahniah kepada Waleed dan Mahdi kerana menyambung Phd.

Diharap, bulan dan tahun mendatang kita semua dimurahkan rezeki dan berjaya dalam bidang yang diceburi. Pengkaji akan berusaha mengemaskini entri untuk penyebaran ilmu yang bermanfaat terutama dalam bidang kajian.

Sempena menyambut Ramadhan tidak lama lagi, selamat berpuasa semua!

"No one can go back and make a brand new start, however anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending."